Sound Studies Group

-> Publications

This is the Sound Studies Group at the SUSTech School of Design, Shenzhen. It is led by Dr. Qiushi Xu and Dr. Marcel Zaes Sagesser. Our research focuses on sound in relationship with technology, the environment, and human listening. It includes sound technology, sound studies, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), sound design, philosophy of science and technology, spatial audio, interactive audio, and creative media. The output of this team is published in prestigious international journals, at domestic and international conferences, and at international exhibitions and concert halls.

#Sound Studies
#Creative Media
#Digital Media Arts
#VR + Sonic Architectures
#Interaction Design
#Sound Design
#Auditory Interaction
#Human Computer Interaction HCI

We are continuously looking for exceptional students for short-term or long-term internships and visiting student positions in our group. Please send us your CV and your portfolio if you are interested.

SUSTech School of Design ● Sound Studies Group
南方科技大学创新创意设计学院 ● 声音研究科研组

DS313 Sound and Senses

Week 3: Theories of Sound

Prof. Marcel Sagesser

What is
  • sound studies
  • STS
  • Sensory anthropology 
  • Sensory language
  • What is sound? (New)
  • What is listening? (New)
  • What is hearing? (New)

Homework review
Defining and classifying a vocabulary for sensory experiences
Notes (collected word list)

Theory & Practice
Readings: shared folder (password protected)

Homework for next week
Choose a story or situation in your week that you can primarily experience through sound. Describe the experience in words (use new vocabulary, and key concepts, from class, to describe it as precisely as possible). You can add 1 photo to it (self-made).

Week 4: Sound Installation, Sound Sculpture, and Experimental Sound

Prof. Marcel Sagesser

  • Recap, what are the six important concepts?
  • Soundscape + Sound Maps (Visualizations of Sound), R. Murray Schaefer
  • Painting as a “window” into another world - Sound as a “window” into another world (or another time period) (Alberti)

Case Studies
(slides available on shared course folder)
  • Laetitia Sonami - Rijeka Sound Gates
  • Rolf Julius - Red
  • Robert Morris - Box with the Sound of its own Making
  • Ryoji Ikeda - The Transfinite
  • Mimi Kind - Approaching Loops / Spin Cycle
  • Annie Aries - Transition
  • Max Neuhaus - Times Square
  • Alvin Curran - Maritime Rites
  • Zimoun - 250 prepared AC motors, ...
  • Annea Lockwood, A Sound Map of the Danube
  • Bruce Nauman, Bouncing Two Balls Between Monitors Wth Changing Rhythms

Homework Review (from last week):
Watch each students’ photo and read each students’ text description -> imagine a sound in our inner ear, on our mind, but we are in a totally silent space

Group Making + Topics Choice

Final Projects (Group work): 
  • 2 case studies
  • 2 academic sources
  • 2 sketches / plans / drawing / visualizations / usage scenarios / graphics / ...
  • 2 ideas for sensory anthropology
-> Upload results to the shared class folder (under final projects / week 4 homework) by the beginning of the next class (Monday, 13:59)
Sound Studies Group
SUSTech School of Design
All content © 2023-2024 Sound Studies Group